Saturday, 6 October 2012

10 Tips to Clean your Fruits and Vegetables


I decide to go further in depth on how to clean fruits and vegetables so that we can enjoy clean, fresh and pure juice.

  1. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly for about 2-4 minutes under running warm water or soak it in water for 14 minutes. This removes any residues or pesticides
  2. Do not soak vegetables and fruits in salt water as it will cause pesticides to seep and penetrate to the fruits
  3. Vegetables with roots may contain remnants of pesticides, therefore it is wise to remove them and rinse these vegetables several more times.
  4. Fruits with rough surfaces, such as guavas, strawberries and star fruits can be cleaned with a brush with soft bristles or a cloth to ensure the dirt dislodged in hard to reach areas of the fruit can be removed
  5. Pesticides can be broken down easier in room temperature than in the refrigerator, therefore fresh fruits should be kept in room temperature for 1-2 days before being placed in the refrigerator so pesticide content on fruits would be lower.
Hope this helps!

1 comment:

  1. In order to avoid getting health problems one should always clean their fruits and vegetable before consumption. These tips to clean the fruits are very useful. Keep sharing such informative article.

    Mantis Hugo
    Supplier of Pure Noni Juice
