Monday, 15 October 2012

Health Benefits Of Sleep

Hello people. Today I will be talking about the benefits of sleep and why it is important to us. Sleep is important as it gives our body a rest and allows it to prepare for the next day

Before I begin, I would like to show you the recommended amount of hours an individual should sleep everyday, sorted according to age.

Newborns 12-18 hours
Toddlers 12-14 Hours
Children 10-12 Hours
Teenagers 8-9 Hours
Adults 7-9 Hours

Having enough sleep is important as:

1. It leads to better results
Be it if you are a student or a worker, having enough sleeps helps you to be more alert and fresh for the next day. Hence one is able to perform better.

2. Sleep improves memory
Students listen up! Having enough sleep makes our brain able to processing new experiences and factual knowledge better. It helps increase analytical reasoning and knowledge as well.

3. Sleep improves our mood
Have you realised that most of the reason people give for having a bad mood during the day is due to not having enough sleep? A prolonged period of lack of sleep may even lead to more serious problems like depression. Enough sleep helps take away the groggy feeling felt during the day. Therefore it is important we have enough sleep to improve our mood.

4. Sleep improves our  weight
Researchers have found that dieters who have enough sleep loose more fat! Sleep ensure the balance of hormones are well balanced so our craving for high calorie foods would be much lesser.

5.Sleep helps you live longer
Studies have shown that people who sleep less than six hours a day have high higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins. These will lead to a higher chance of suffering heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging. Therefore ensure you get enough sleep to prevent heart related problems and a range of other ailments

With sufficient sleep, we are one step closer to good health!

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