Monday, 15 October 2012

Tomato and Apple Juice

A drink to increase appetite and improve digestion.
What you will need:   
2 tomatoes
2 apples
10 ml lemon juice
10ml honey

1. Rinse apples, peel and cut into pieces.
2. Rinse tomatoes, remove stems and cut into pieces
3. Add tomatoes and apples into juicer and mix well. Strain and pour juice into glass
4. Add lemon juice and honey with ice before serving

Apples are rich in various sources of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin a, vitamin c, potassium, malic acid and fibre.The soluble fibre found in apples helps to reduce cholesterol by binding with fats in the intestine. Apples also help reduce high blood pressure!

Tomatoes are high in antioxidants that help prevent cancer. They also contain important nutrients, such as niacin, folate and vitamin B6, that reduce chances of heart disease. Acids found in tomato juice help to break down fats and aid digestion. Drinking juices containing tomatoes help counter nausea and increases one's appetite as well.

Choose tomatoes that are plump and whose peel is smooth and shiny red. Also check out the stems and ensure they are bright green.

For apples, choose those with a bright red colour and a glossy feel. The feeling of the apple should be smooth as well.

Remember to blend and serve quickly as once the apples are cut, the apple pieces will start to oxidize and may spoil the taste of the juice if left by itself for a longer period

Take note:
Remember to blend and serve quickly as once the apples are cut, the apple pieces will start to oxidize and may spoil the taste of the juice if left by itself for a longer period

Stay healthy!

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