Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Preventing Hair Loss

Hair loss could be the cause of our diet, lack of nutrients, medications, stress, or basically, our genes. Hair loss mostly affects middle aged to older people, and usually happens more to men. If you happen to feel that you are suffering symptoms of hair loss, have no fear, because here are a few tips on how you can make hair loss less of a problem to you.
How to prevent Hair Loss:
1. It's all about your diet
Eat foods that are rich in protein such as fish, beans and tofu. Foods rich in protein will help you maintain healthy hair as hair is primarily made of protein. However stick to healthier sources of protein as rich meats such as steak are high in fat.
To ensure a healthy scalp, we need to ensure our blood is well circulated to that area. It is only through good blood circulation to the scalp that allows our scalp to stimulate and promote hair growth. Hence, foods rich in iron should be consumed as it promotes the creation of hemoglobin in our blood which functions as a carrier of oxygen to all parts of the body. Foods such as liver, cherries and cereals contain high iron content.
A high number of people who suffer from hair loss do not have enough zinc in their bodies. Zinc promotes cell reproduction and helps maintain hormonal balance, which helps in hair growth. They also manage the glands that attach to our hair follicles. When our zinc levels are low, these follicles become weak, causing strands to break off or fall out. To prevent this problem, try to eat zinc-rich foods such as mussels, shrimp and oysters. However, take these zinc rich foods in moderation as excessive amounts can cause hair loss too.
2. Reduce your stress
Stress is one of the main reasons for hair loss. When one faces stress, the frequency of hair loss increases. Hence, once can try to reduce their stress levels by sleeping early or by meditating.
3. Keep exercising
Now that we all know a well circulated scalp can promote hair growth, exercise is also key! Exercising increases our heart rate which increases blood circulation throughout our body, including our scalp! This helps prevent hair loss as well.
4. Treat you hair well
Don't subject your hair to frequent heating and drying. Heat weakens hair proteins and in worse cases, it damages the hair follicles permanently. Constant heating and drying of hair can cause our hair to be brittle and weak which causes hair loss.  Minimizing the usage of accessories like hair dryers or hair straighteners can make our hair last longer. If need be, use cool air from the hair dryer to dry your hair instead of hot air.
5. Massage scalp daily
Massaging our scalp helps circulate blood and brings nutrients to the scalp. To complement the massage, one tip is to use coconut oil while we massage our scalp as it acts as a natural conditioner that improves our hair growth. This is due to lauric acid found in coconut oil that moisturizes our hair, protects our hair roots and prevents breakage of our hair strands.
Hope this helps!

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