Saturday, 6 October 2012

5 Ways to Keep Healthy

Finally, my first post on general health instead of fruit juice recipes!

Okay to begin with, I realized many people do not know how to keep healthy and fit although they want to. Therefore as a start, I would like to share with you 10 tips on how to enjoy good health as a start.

1.Eat Plenty Of Fruits and vegetables

Just as what this website is about, fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals to keep you body strong and healthy. Many fruits and vegetables lowers a person's risk of getting cancer, stroke or heart attack as well. It is recommended that one should eat at least 2-3 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday so as to keep healthy and fit. Do remember to take different varieties of fruits and vegetables and not just the same few so that your body can take in different types of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This is the first step towards a healthy diet and achieving good health for your body.

2. Avoid Processed Foods

Process foods are foods that altered from their natural state. Methods that are used include canning, freezing, and dehydration. Examples of processed foods include canned food, packaged cakes and cookies, sugary breakfast cereals, potato chips and cookies.

All these foods not only lack nutritive value but also contain many high levels of fats, trans fats, sugar, oil and carcinogenic elements that may not be good for health. Consuming these processed foods regularly may lead to cancer, liver failure, heart disease and diabetes hence such foods should be avoided at all costs.

3. Exercise Daily
Exercising daily is very important to maintain fitness. By exercising frequently, in increases our blood circulation and protects us from heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and various other diseases. Exercise is also good in controlling obesity as fat is burnt off as we exercise.

Exercising refreshes the mind and relieves tension and stress. Ensure that you exercise at least 30 minutes a day to maintain good health and a long life

4. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is the leading cause of fatal lung disease and can also lead to various cancers, coronary heart disease, strokes and reduced blood circulation. This is due to the harmful components in cigarettes such as tar and nicotine. Avoid smoking to avoid such problems!

5. Have sufficient sleep

It is important that one has enough sleep everyday. This explains why, after a good night's sleep, you feel better, your thoughts are clearer, and your emotions are less fragile. Without adequate sleep, judgment, mood, and ability to learn and retain information are weakened. Also, sufficient sleep gives help our body repair damaged cells at a faster rate.

Alright, this is the 5 main points I can think of, if you have any more ideas, please contribute them in the comment box! See you all soon!

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